Gestalt therapy notion of health through organismic self-regulation

Context: Imagine you are working in a demanding job that requires long hours. Over time, you start to feel increasingly stressed and notice that you’re becoming irritable and exhausted. This situation provides an opportunity to understand the Gestalt therapy notion of health through organismic self-regulation.


1. Awareness of Shifting Needs: You begin to notice that your primary need has shifted from career advancement to needing rest and relaxation. Initially, your awareness was focused on completing work tasks and meeting deadlines. However, you start to recognize signs of burnout and realize that your need for rest is becoming more urgent.

2. Identifying with Ongoing Experience: You acknowledge your feelings of exhaustion and stress without judgment. Instead of ignoring these feelings, you allow them to guide your actions. This might involve taking a step back from work to understand what is truly important for your well-being at this moment.

3. Organizing Behavior Based on Awareness: With this newfound awareness, you decide to adjust your schedule to include more breaks and time for relaxation. You communicate with your employer about setting boundaries, such as not working after a certain hour or taking a mental health day when needed.

4. Awareness of Environment: You remain aware of your work environment and how it impacts your health. You also consider the needs of your colleagues and employer, ensuring that your decisions are considerate and balanced. For example, you might propose a more flexible working arrangement that benefits both you and your team.

5. Compassion and Care: Your self-regulation includes compassion towards yourself. You practice self-care activities such as mindfulness, exercise, and hobbies that bring you joy. At the same time, you show empathy towards your colleagues by being open about your experiences and encouraging a supportive workplace culture.

6. Contact with Present Experience: You stay in touch with your current experience by regularly checking in with yourself. This means paying attention to your stress levels, emotional state, and overall well-being. When you notice that work is starting to become overwhelming again, you take proactive steps to address it, such as seeking support or adjusting your workload.

Outcome: By following the principles of Gestalt therapy, you create a healthier balance in your life. You are able to meet your work responsibilities while also taking care of your mental and physical health. Your ability to recognize and respond to your needs as they arise allows you to function more effectively and maintain a sense of well-being.

Reflection: This example illustrates the Gestalt therapy notion of health through organismic self-regulation. It shows how being aware of shifting needs, identifying with one’s ongoing experience, and organizing behavior accordingly can lead to healthier functioning. By staying in contact with what is emerging in your person-environment field, you can make adjustments that support your overall growth and well-being.

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